Our Strategic Themes: Experience
We have gathered insights from our students, our staff and all our users as well as from within and outside of Higher Education to identify key themes for us to focus on.
This section details what we need to do to achieve our vision.
Experience: What we need to do
1. Location will become a choice. With inclusive end to end journeys that are simple and joined up. Focus on ‘Apps’.
Why this is important?
This will make it easy for people to complete an activity in a way that works for them, whoever or wherever they are.
What will this look like?
- We reduce the number of user touchpoints and make them work for everyone.
- We design journeys from start to finish, across both digital and physical environments and giving options where we can.
- We create experiences that are personal and value adding.
- We create data and software tools to help people do their jobs and people to learn.
Top insights
We have too many destinations and touchpoints we need to rationalise and optimise.
Need for hybrid and remote propositions including international.
E2E experience is a critical user need.
2. The University is at the centre of an individual’s engagement for life.
Why this is important?
This places the relationship with our users at the core of what we do, helping us to meet their ongoing needs.
What will this look like?
- We create experiences that are personal and value adding.
- We grow a highly engaged user base.
Top insights
Students and graduates are strong brand advocates and associate their experiences with our brand even if 3rd parties deliver them.
Our engagement with all our user groups is infrequent and often based on our needs.
Actively engaging user base increases understanding and opportunity.
Users expect to be known and have tailored offerings.
We don't make it easy for users to continue a lifelong relationship with us.
3. Bring people and brands together to create belonging, collaborate and exchange value.
Why this is important?
We will enable people to be the best version of themselves, to share ideas and insights. We will also encourage wider brand relationships to support this theme.
What will this look like?
- We will bring people and brands together to create belonging, collaborate and exchange value.
- We will connect people, especially those who have minority representation, enabling communities to create safe environments for support, societies and subject matter engagement.
- We will create ‘shared’ capabilities that multiple parties can make use of and therefore reduce duplication.
Top insights
Online communities support brands and subject interest areas.
Wellbeing and EDI are critical and we will have more people from different backgrounds.
Access to secure online communities at UoE is limited.
Students want work and relationships with industry.
4. Bring to market new products to drive engagement and income.
Why this is important?
To find solutions to user needs in support of the learning provision. Directly (the product) or indirectly (the data).
What will this look like?
- We will create data and software tools to help people do their jobs and people to learn.
- We will make it easy for people to complete an activity, in a way that works for them, whoever or wherever they are.
Top insights
Opportunity to move to flexible learning provision.
Our subject matter expertise is valuable.
5. Create new tools to drive engagement and productivity.
Why this is important?
Enable people to be more effective and improve their experience.
What will this look like?
- We create data and software tools to help people do their jobs and people to learn.
- We will create ‘shared’ capabilities that multiple parties can make use of and therefore reduce duplication.
Top insights
People have challenges with ‘systems’ and need digital tools to make things easier.
Life-long learning and continuity of access is increasingly important.
6. Become an exceptional, digital data and content publisher.
Why this is important?
Drive engagement at any life stage meeting our users needs and using our expertise to deliver value to the world.
What will this look like?
- We will create ‘shared’ capabilities that multiple parties can make use of and therefore reduce duplication.
- We champion accessible content formats.
Top insights
We have lots of high value content.
Content drives discoverability across the internet.
We have too many destinations and touch-points we need to rationalise and optimise.
Need for hybrid and remote propositions including international.
E2E experience is a critical user need.
Need for hybrid and remote propositions including international.
E2E experience is a critical user need.
We have too many destinations and touch-points we need to rationalise and optimise.
Need for hybrid and remote propositions including international.
E2E experience is a critical user need.