Make new friends
There are a multitude of sustainably focused societies to get involved with.
Whether that’s cooking healthy and locally sourced food with ‘Slow Food Society’, campaigning for sustainability with ‘Be The Change’, or even up-cycling fashion with the ‘Exeter Fashion Society’, you’ll meet new people and find like-minded friends just as passionate as you are!
Help the world
Global warming is one of the biggest threats to face humankind.
It may feel like it is too much to think about or too large a challenge, but if we all make changes it can make a difference.
It’s never too late to start reducing your carbon footprint and work towards a cleaner future for everyone.
Earn prizes
Get rewards for your sustainable actions by signing up to the Green Rewards app!
Click here to see how you can win prizes by completing your everyday, eco-friendly tasks.
It’s cheap
It’s cheaper than you think to be sustainable.
Switching out meat for veg is an easy way to save money and you can support the community by buying veg locally.
Additionally, investing in reusable items such as coffee cups, makeup wipes and food containers means you’ll spend less and waste less in the long run. In fact, there’s now a 40p surcharge when buying a coffee without a reusable cup at the University, and at other coffee shops too!
You can also save money by walking to campus rather than commuting, enjoying the fresh air as you go!
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