Strategy 2030
Together we create the possible
Our purpose is to use the power of our education and research to create a sustainable, healthy and socially just future. Our vision will continually move us forward to make a difference to our people, our communities, our partners, and to the world around us.
Strategy 2030
Together we create the possible
Our purpose is to use the power of our education and research to create a sustainable, healthy and socially just future. Our vision will continually move us forward to make a difference to our people, our communities, our partners, and to the world around us.
Lead meaningful action against the climate emergency and ecological crisis.
Make key breakthroughs to transform human health and wellbeing.
Lead the progress towards creating a fair, socially just and inclusive society.
Education and Student Experience
We will challenge and inspire our community of learners from every background to thrive, develop the skills they will need for the future and lead the change the world needs.
We have developed a reputation for educational excellence, including as pioneers in the Russell Group for delivering degree apprenticeship programmes in partnership with global employers; for widening participation, where we have introduced an ambitious new programme to support and nurture high-achieving pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds; and for supporting student wellbeing. We work closely in partnership with our students, through our Students’ Guild in Exeter and the Students’ Union in Cornwall.
Through these and other activities, we are well positioned to quickly begin to deliver the vision for education which is set out in our Strategy 2030.
- We will invest in digital technology and digital skills development, to enhance and personalise student engagement, learning and support. Students from all backgrounds will be able to access our education at any time; our students will learn and share experiences with others across the world and we will give our students the very best support throughout their time with us, and beyond.
- We will launch an Exeter Education Innovation Institute to celebrate and develop our inspirational educators and support and enhance innovative ways of teaching and learning. We will be a leading innovator in digitally transformed and enabled education.
- We will expand our degree apprenticeships and short courses to support learners at all stages of their careers.
- We will embed innovation and entrepreneurship in our education to equip our students for the future and to benefit wider society.
- We will develop a global culture on our campuses, attracting international students and providing cultural enrichment for all students. Through internationalising our campuses, facilities and programmes, our students will have opportunities to meet people from around the world, and to study around the world.

Research and Innovation
Our dynamic and innovative research culture will foster new discoveries, inspire creativity and bring people together to solve the challenges of today and tomorrow. As a research-led institution, creating and disseminating knowledge that has an impact on society and addressing the many challenges facing humankind is central to our mission.
At the heart of our research is the harnessing of enthusiasm, energy and expertise of our exceptional community of scholars and researchers for the public good. We create new knowledge within a highly interdisciplinary research culture and we work with businesses, policymakers and partnership organisations globally to generate sustainable solutions for the technological, environmental, financial and cultural challenges faced by societies and communities worldwide.
Our research successes have been achieved by supporting and challenging a community of talented and creative minds to step beyond conventional thinking and work in an interdisciplinary way.
We have invested significantly to create some of the world’s most inspiring and innovative research facilities and institutes. These include:
- The Living Systems Institute at our Streatham Campus, which has revolutionised the understanding, diagnosis and treatment of diseases.
- The Environment and Sustainability Institute at our Penryn Campus, which develops solutions to environmental challenges.
- The Institute for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, which investigates new means of interrogating and understanding data to innovate and apply cutting-edge data analytical methodologies to diverse questions.
- The Global Systems Institute, which predicts global changes through understanding the interactions between the climate, natural ecosystems, human, social and economic systems, and the built environment.
- The new cross-disciplinary Societies and Cultures Institute, which will develop humanities and social science-based research in the creative industries, as well as in heritage, culture, law and policy.
- Our new lab for Digital Innovation for Growth, Impact, and Transformation (DIGIT Lab), which is one of six national Next Stage Digital Economy Centres and is part of our Business School’s INDEX (Initiative in Digital Economy at Exeter) Research Centre; it will work with large organisations to reimagine them for the digital age.

The success of these investments is evident in substantial increases in our research awards, output citations, and esteem indicators and the driving of local and regional growth and research impact with benefits that are shared around the world.
The Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2021 review showed that we are doing more world-leading research than ever before. More than 99 per cent of our research is of international quality, with 89 per cent internationally excellent and 47 per cent world-leading. We have increased the proportion of our research which is world-leading by more than 60 per cent and increased the size of our research community by 70 per cent. Our world-leading research impact has grown by 72 per cent since 2014, more than any other Russell Group university.
In delivering our Strategy 2030:
- We will create the Exeter Futures initiative to support bold, new research ideas, working across disciplines and with our partners to address societal challenges. Each year, we will support a number of new research ideas from the community and provide the resources and time for teams to pursue ambitious new avenues of research.
- We will develop a sustainable research model for the future and support our researchers to grow and diversify income sources from business, governments and other external funding bodies.
- We will redesign our campuses to ensure that we have the space for co-creation, innovation and partnership.
- We will launch a series of research networks that enhance and support our disciplinary and interdisciplinary strengths.

We will support each other to thrive, be fulfilled and reach our potential. We will celebrate diversity and be inclusive, fair and compassionate in everything we do, prioritising the health and wellbeing of our community.
Our vibrant community of passionate and dedicated colleagues are fundamental to our success and we work hard to create a diverse and inclusive workplace. We help our people to fulfil their potential, rewarding them fairly and providing a positive working environment.
Over the coming decade:
- We will develop a Wellbeing, Inclusion and Culture Committee to provide senior leadership with the guidance and tools needed to ensure delivery of our health and wellbeing, diversity and inclusion and development strategies, and their intersectionalities.
- We will create reward, recognition and promotions schemes that value and recognise excellence across all careers supported by our performance review and enhanced staff development processes. We will develop technology-enhanced, flexible working practices to respond to the opportunities and challenges posed by the future of work.
- We will accelerate the delivery of our widening participation plans by exceeding our ambitious targets for the proportion of our student population who come from state schools, underrepresented groups and low participation backgrounds.
- We will support equality of opportunity and outcomes for all. We will take action to improve the diversity of our community and our leadership.

Our Place
We are a global university with regional, national and international impact and relevance. We must work together to overcome the challenges of the 21st century.
We will be a globally networked university, offering outstanding education and research opportunities for our communities, and creating strong partnerships to tackle the world’s biggest challenges.
- With universities, organisations and communities around the world, we will work together, combining our knowledge and expertise to address the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
- We will use technology to deepen, extend and facilitate our collaborations, transcending international boundaries and helping to tackle the environment and climate emergency.
- Our international teaching, learning and employability opportunities will prepare our students to become active global citizens making a positive impact on the world.
Strategy 2030 builds upon these successes:
- We will enhance our international academic reputation through investing in the excellence of our research and education and our leadership in environment, human health and social justice.
- Working with our partners, we will deliver innovative joint programmes and global classrooms to create a community of learners around the world.

Strategy 2030 builds upon these successes:
- We will enhance our international academic reputation through investing in the excellence of our research and education and our leadership in environment, human health and social justice.
- Working with our partners, we will deliver innovative joint programmes and global classrooms to create a community of learners around the world.
In our region, we will be a university embedded in our community, increasing opportunities for our local residents and taking a leading role in the prosperity and success of the region.
We work with partners, students and alumni across our campuses, our region and the world in our pursuit of new knowledge, opportunities and impact. We want to continue to build upon our existing international partnerships, as well as forge new relationships, to consolidate and grow our research and education collaborations and help achieve our goal of becoming a sustainable global top 100 institution.
Our Global Partnerships
One of our key strategic partners is the University of Queensland (UQ). Exeter and UQ have recently renewed our agreement to work together through the QUEX Institute for a further five years. Through the QUEX Institute, the universities are tackling major global challenges through impactful interdisciplinary research, staff and student mobility and industry and community engagement, under the overarching topic of Global Sustainability and Wellbeing. Established in 2017, QUEX has three themes: Healthy Living, Global Environmental Futures, and Digital Worlds and Disruptive Technologies.
Central to QUEX is the joint PhD programme, which has now funded 46 students who have the wonderful opportunity to study in both the UK and Australia. Research by QUEX students is providing insights into critical global issues and is being published in leading academic journals, for example highlighting the impact of climate change on coral bleaching.
The Universities of Exeter and Queensland are now working on exciting new collaborative plans, such as launching an innovative joint online Master’s programme on the topic of Global Environmental Futures, in 2023.

We are also strengthening our links in Europe, focusing on a set of priority partnerships. In 2019, the University of Exeter joined Venice International University (VIU) as the first UK member. This prestigious global consortium of 20 universities from China, Korea, Japan, Israel, Russia, Switzerland, UK, Germany, Belgium, France, Slovenia, Italy, South Africa, USA, and Canada has a mission to foster cooperation among member institutions while facilitating the exchange of knowledge and ideas.
As a VIU member, Exeter shares in VIU’s campus on the island of San Servolo in the Venetian lagoon. The consortium provides opportunities for students and staff from member universities to work together and learn from one another in a multicultural environment. As a platform for education and research collaboration, it encourages the adoption of interdisciplinary and comparative methods that enable students and staff to address multi-faceted problems through innovative approaches.