Removal and industrial conversion of Mexico’s problematic seaweed bloom biomass into high quality, low-cost sustainable agricultural fertiliser products.
Principal Investigator: Dr Mike Allen, Associate Professor of Single Cell Genomics, Department of Biosciences (Oct 2019 – Mar 2022).
Mexico is exposed to an infestation of seaweed, produced following global warming and eutrophication of the ocean from fertiliser and sewage run off. In 2019, the Quintana Roo government declared a state of emergency over the issue, describing it as an “imminent natural disaster”. This project addresses both the social and economic development challenges associated with algal blooms and pollution, the latter having a negative impact on agricultural practices and food productivity.
Mexico’s Caribbean coast is under constant bombardment by invasive seaweed. In 2019, 1 million tonnes was expected to arrive on beaches. Recently, a record-breaking 550km long mass of rotting Sargassum biomass headed the same way. The impacts of this crisis are complex; seaweed damages and degrades coral reef and marine ecosystems. The impact on tourism ($23B annual market and responsible for 8.7% of Mexican GDP) is conservatively estimated to be a 30% decrease in affected regions.
In contrast, Mexican government initiatives such as ‘Manejo integrado de nutrientes’ and ‘Manejo Integrado de Plagas’ aim to mitigate environmental and health problems derived from the very nitrogen-based chemicals that create the seaweed epidemic. The use of next generation macroalgal (seaweed) derived biofertilisers can help tackle both issues by utilising the problematic seaweed to enhance crop quality on land; leading to cleaner beaches, higher incomes for farmers, better storage and more nutritious food for consumers.
About the Project
The project aimed to employ biotechnology methods to develop new macroalgal derived fertilisers and products.
By using seaweed biomass, it redirects a proportion of organic biomass to a natural carbon sink and simultaneously creates fertiliser products. An outcome of the project included developing biotechnology capability in Mexico and thereby generating job opportunities within the biotech industry, improving the aesthetic and environmental quality of coastal regions to help support economic growth through the tourist industry and improving soil quality to ensure increased agricultural productivity including higher incomes for farmers, better storage and more nutritious food for consumers.
The Mexican plant growth regulator sector market is anticipated to have grown from $35M USD (2014) to $46M USD (2019). The average retail price at which the leading synthetic biostimulant products in Mexico are commercialised is $450.00 MXN per litre. Based on these price averages, the project's innovative fertiliser products could enter organic and conventional agriculture markets with highly competitive solutions. Profit margins are expected to be large as there are no macroalgae production costs, only harvesting and downstream processing. Harvesting is already undertaken by the tourist industry and Mexican Navy as part of their essential-for-business beach cleaning, and so could be subsidised entirely or in part.

Sargassum on the Mexican shoreline.
Increased knowledge on algal biomass composition and distribution, and how to remove it and process it effectively will be of use in developing other remediation mechanisms, as well as an improved understanding of how and why these species are causing blooms at such unprecedented levels. The use of hydrothermal (HTL) processing will also enhance understanding of how HTL can be used to recycle food, agricultural and even human wastes inexpensively. The ability and impact of the provision of various outputs from this process will be key in developing a sustainable approach to the provision of fuel and fertilisers. As such it will be of great interest to food, energy, water nexus researchers e.g. Institutes and NGOs researching the global impact of food production and provision.
Key aims of the Project
To develop a novel hydrothermal processing technique that can utilise and convert this bountiful resource into a next generation agricultural fertiliser product. To market test at least one fertiliser product, delivered via a joint venture with Mexican partners with global reach. We anticipate fertiliser products will be highly competitive and deliver high quality crops. This therefore presents promising potential to strengthen Mexican and Latin American food security through reduced costs and higher incomes for farmers, and more nutritious food for consumers.
To identify and exploit the biochemical engineering conditions, infrastructure and investment required to convert problematic seaweed biomass into a sustainable source of agricultural fertiliser at an industrial scale. The project will provide the Mexican and Caribbean governments with a viable option to positively manage a pollutant that decimates the tourist industry and hinders commercial coastal activities. The project will identify, characterise and assess new, sustainably produced, fertiliser products for use in the local and export markets; improving local agricultural productivities.
To explore alternative organic waste streams if seaweed processing is commercially unfeasible. These include 1) Combining seaweed biomass with local food waste; 2) Combining seaweed biomass with local agricultural wastes; 3) Combining seaweed biomass with plastic waste material. 4) Valorisation of the char phase by exploring potential for metal recovery and use as fillers; and, 5) Development of bio-bitumen product from biocrude.

Seaweed harvesting.
The aims were delivered through three objectives:
Identify HTP conditions for effective and efficient seaweed biomass conversion.
Identify and test agricultural markets for liquid fertiliser.
Assess seaweed biomass derived products.
The project will conform to University of Baja California and Biorganix best practices.
Biorganix, part of a family-owned business, in which gender equality, respect and inclusivity is a fundamental foundation on which the success of the company is built. This will ensure that all measures adopted are contextually appropriate.
Benefit includes: empowerment of all genders and age groups at the macroalgae harvesting stage and end users of the fertilisers product; training next generation of biologists and engineers (adopting an inclusive and gender neutral approach) to this industry; improving the productivity of subsistence farmers, which will increase food security and nutrition for all.
The nature of employment varies across genders with Mexican women more heavily engaged in the informal economy and unpaid work, undertaking 75% of duties such as unpaid housework and childcare. The project will investigate various cooperative models for seaweed harvesting to support appropriate models of employment. Women’s entry into the labour force is associated with higher levels of support for broader gender equality, here we will stimulate low skill labour generation at the harvesting stage, as well as high skill labour generation at the processing stage, leading to improved gender equality across the sector this project is concerned with.
About the Project partners
The project strengthens existing collaborations between the University of Exeter, Autonomous University of Baja California (Mexico) and Biorganix, the industrial partner in Mexico. It will contribute to interdisciplinary knowledge across biology, chemistry, economics and engineering.
Biorganix is part of Grupo Fagro, a Mexican private sector agri-food group. Grupo Fagro’s infrastructure creates opportunities for rapid, scalable impact in global agriculture; its operations and sales extend across 10 countries in the Americas and Europe, and in north Africa through distribution deals with partner companies in Spain. Biorganix is providing in-kind knowledge on product formulation, regulation and legislation of fertilisers. Also, it is helping to set up relevant trials for different crops and climate / regions that will support and strengthen the data of the product’s efficiency. Biorganix will be involved in looking for investment (government / private) to install the technology in Mexico if the project proves to be successful and scalable. It is hoped that this project will provide Biorganix with a sustainable new technology to process seaweed into fertiliser.
The University of Exeter and Plymouth Marine Laboratory are working together, sharing knowledge and expertise to deliver a solution to the yearly algal blooms that are negatively impacting local ecosystems and the economy in Mexico.
The Universidad Autonoma de Baja California provides assistance with product trials in their greenhouse facilities and laboratory, supporting experimental design and providing insights into local markets. Furthermore, the University is incorporating this project into a community development project aimed at enabling indigenous women to benefit from the highly lucrative value chain of gastronomic tourism by developing organic farming in their communities. University of Exeter is developing bio technologies to help turn the negative impacts yearly algal blooms have on the local economy and ecosystems and turn it into a business opportunity.
The University of Bath have provided the initial GCRF project (Eco Via Bio) on which this Project is based and this project is therefore an extension of the GCRF project, held by University of Bath. Researchers continue to share knowledge and expertise.
Key activities which took place
Biorganix Mexicana were actively involved in the project by testing the agricultural potential of the seaweed extracts provided by the UK and Mexican partners.
In collaboration with UABC, several assays were performed to test the potential use of different extracts as organic fertilisers or biostimulants; these included germination assays, auxin-like activity assays, cytokinin-like activity assays, seedling development assays and small-scale nutrition assays. Results were compared to commercial fertilisers and pure hormone standards. For auxins, fractions HTC 205, HTL 300 and HTL 350 performed equally to both fertilisers and the Indole 3-Butyric Acid standard. For cytokines, only HTC 250 produced results comparable to the 2-Isopentyl Adenine standard.
In parallel to the Mexican plant trials, some additional trials were carried out in the UK. Arabidopsis was used to see if the products could support plant growth in simple, undemanding plants. Arabidopsis seeds all germinated at varying product dilutions. However, after a few weeks, it became apparent that there were not sufficient nutrients in the product to sustain Arabidopsis growth. Plants showed stunted growth, and purple pigmentation of anthocyanins, suggesting a nutrient lacking induced stress. Further trials confirmed that the seaweed products were not toxic to plants and therefore did not significantly deter plant growth.
Leading on from the HTL work, hydrothermal carbonification (HTC) was investigated as a potential route to a fertiliser product as the conditions are somewhat less harsh and more likely to lead to greater bioavailability of nutrients. Growth appeared improved with HTC products compared to HTL products. Mexican sargassum derived HTC product showed consistently less growth than HTC product derived from British sargassum.
Following on, trials started with Tobacco plants (nicotiana benthamiana) transplanted to vermiculite and watered bottom up regularly with HTC / HTL diluted product. This acted as a hydroponic set up (another interesting market opportunity), with no nutrients coming from the vermiculite. With restricted growth and degradation of plant health, HTC / HTL products were confirmed as not being able to sustain plant growth alone, further cementing conclusions that the product should be position in the market as a low value ‘bio supplement’.
To this end, the project sought to valorise the seaweed biomass in alternative ways including screening and assessing the natural phytohormone levels of sargassum, with a view to developing higher value bio stimulant products.
Using the extensive network developed during the project, the project managed to source two batches of sargassum from Mexico, one from the Dominican Republic and one from Jamaica. This biomass was analysed for biochemical composition to determine variability in biomass quality.
Seeking to valorise co-products from the HTL process, the project sought to solve a crucial bottle neck in the commercialisation pipeline, namely developing a process that is continuous flow, rather than batch lab scale. Engaging with a promising young UK start-up, we successfully converted 10kg of sargassum into 1L of biocrude, which is being assessed by commercial companies and used as a ‘show and tell’ product for potential industry investors. This process has been showcased on a one-on-one basis with Sir Richard Branson on Neckar Island.
The project has both ruled out and ruled in potential sargassum derived fractions for the generation of products for fertiliser / biostimulants, as well as significantly progressed the development of the upstream technology (from batch processing to continuous flow).
Successful new partnerships with Aston University for HTL and HTC processing, York University for biochemical analysis, as well as Southampton University and the SARTRAC project for satellite monitoring. The high profile nature of the project in the UK and international press, as well as an engaging social media and web presence has brought international partners to it from both local communities impacted by Sargassum (Mexico, Dominican Republic, Ghana, Nevis, Jamaica, Antigua, plus many more), local entrepreneurs, industry seeking to exploit it (Blue Evolution, Seaweed Generation, SeaWear, Algaenetic, Tribal Sports, Toraphene), as well as governmental organisations in Mexico (the original target), Dominican Republic and Chile. The vibrant, collaborative and hugely cooperative community which naturally grew during the project has been inspirational to work within.
Outcomes and impact
01. Identify HTP conditions for effective and efficient seaweed biomass conversion.
Sargassum collection in the UK began in February 2020. Trial hydrothermal runs started in March, assessing the effects different plastics (found entangled in the seaweed) have on the bio refinery process. Initial research indicates positive results. 100% conversion of all types of polymers, including nylon from the fishing industry. Feasibility assessment undertaken for a Sargassum based bio refinery with biofuel and fertiliser products. Initial Carbon Nitrogen Phosphorous (CNP) analysis show a difference in composition between UK and Mexican species. UK species has higher contents of P/N and organic carbon – UK species is fixed rather than free floating, which may explain differences. Species show normal levels of other elements including a low arsenic content, which is ideal for fertiliser use. Biorganix conducted in-vitro studies of HTL (aqueous) extracts sent from UK, looking at pH, conductivity, ash, humidity, carbon, auxin-like activity, citikine-like activity. Commercially viable hydrothermal process identified. Over 100kgs of Sargassum and Macrocystis received from Mexico. Both HTL and HTC processes identified optimum conditions for conversion of Sargassum into useful products. Initial observations are that higher temperatures in both HTC and HTL (HTC 250, HTL350) produce larger volumes of aqueous fertilisers. Ultimately, the project discovered that HTL produces a potentially viable plant fertiliser product, however it identified some potential issues with toxicity and bioavailability.
02. Assess seaweed biomass derived products.
The recent COP26 and movement towards carbon capture raised an important application for sargassum biomass. The project is currently developing this route of investigation with a commercial partner. In addition, whilst the fertiliser / biostimulant products are still in development, massive progress has been made in converting the process from bench scale to industrial, continuous flow process. This will need building on, but crucially, may well be driven not by the fertiliser industry, but by the oil industry. The project is currently seeking funds with USA based industrial partners to investigate this avenue. In addition, other products from sargassum such as biodegradable plastics and cosmetics are also being investigated.
03. Identify and test agricultural markets for liquid fertiliser.
The team conducted extensive research on the existing available data for collection timescales, costs and market information on macroalgal based products to conduct economic analysis. An initial technoeconomic assessment was undertaken for a sargassum based bio refinery with biofuel and fertiliser products. Technoeconomic analysis compared the operational and economic efficiency of each process and provided the Cost of Manufacture (COM) and minimum selling prices (MESP) of the aqueous phase and char. The data helped to extrapolate economic incomes and potential revenue markets for fertiliser sales in Mexico, identifying the most suitable market for products, either domestic or industrial.

First HTC run of Mexico sargassum.
Lessons learned and next steps
Covid-19 shutdown of tourist activity exemplified the importance of tourism activity as a driver for seaweed removal. Furthermore, Sargassum collection was therefore delayed in Mexico. In addition, the shutdown of laboratories (due to Covid-19) delayed HTL / HTC practical processing activities. However, although Covid-19 disrupted the project plans, ultimately it actually helped the project by providing delays which gave our project network time to grow and flourish.
Furthermore, maintaining a social media presence was key to making new contacts. The University of Exeter and Plymouth Marine Laboratory were asked to join Sargasso Sea Commission following an article in the Guardian. Writing, blogs / interviews / stories for the PhycoMex website on the project's interactions gave people a voice which they felt empowered by. By ensuring interactions were a two-way process, people felt they became a part of the project's community.
The key barriers and challenges to progress the project are around further funding availability. However, the project is engaging with a variety of stakeholders including Innovate UK, Venture Philanthropists, Philanthropists, Governmental Organisations, Digital Technologists to drive this research forwards. One ambitious step being pursued is to create a seaweed focused Doctoral Training Program (at least 30 PhD students working on multiple aspects of the problem / opportunity) with a unique applied focus and unique cooperative commercialisation model.
The project has also led to interest and funding from the Newton Fund. The Head of the Newton Fund in Mexico will present Mike Allen’s plans to develop a sustainable process for remediation of problematic Sargassum biomass to the Mexican Minister of Energy, to the group working on the Policy for Climate and Energy issues at the Mexican Embassy, the Ministry of Tourism and the Mexican Navy in Mexico in April.
Although going forward there may be competition for biomass from plastics manufacturers and mass carbon capture and sequestration activities as more people are moving into the field of identifying uses for macroalgae. Sargassum is a plentiful biomass source and we expect the innovation in this space to continue.
Biorganix will continue testing the extracts provided by the partners on small scale field trials during 2022.
Key activities which took place
IOV Microcredit Scheme
During the project an opportunity to scale up areas of IOV's work through the form of a micro-credit scheme became a viable option for this project. The aim of the microcredit scheme is to help IOV scale up their operations in order to meet the high demand from farmers wishing to set up and/or expand AF and SPS in the Mato Grosso region. The resilient AF and SPS created by the farmers with IOV’s specialist advice, expertise and assistance will enable rural communities to benefit from reduced poverty, improved food security and reduced pressure on natural vegetation and biodiversity, in times of climatic change and population growth.
“Pull out or photo?”
Tonon, Thierry & Machado, Carla & Webber, Mona & Webber, Deanna & Smith, James & Pilsbury, Amy & Cicéron, Félix & Herrera-Rodriguez, Leopoldo & Jimenez, Eduardo & Suarez, Julio & Ahearn, Michael & Gonzalez, Frederick & Allen, Michael. (2022). Biochemical and Elemental Composition of Pelagic Sargassum Biomass Harvested across the Caribbean. Phycology. 2. 204-215. 10.3390/phycology2010011 Beacham T, Cole I, DeDross L, Raikova S, Chuck C, Macdonald J, Allen M. (2019). Analysis of Seaweeds from South West England as a Biorefinery Feedstock. Applied Sciences, (20), doi: 10.3390/app9204456 Jones E, Raikova S, Ebrahim S, Parsons S, Allen M, Chuck C. (2020). Saltwater based fractionation and valorisation of macroalgae. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, (8), doi: 10.1002/jctb.6443 Mayers J, Landels A, Allen M, Albers E. (2020). An energy and resource efficient alkaline flocculation and sedimentation process for harvesting of Chromochloris zofingiensis biomass. Bioresource Technology Reports, doi: 10.1016/j.biteb.2019.100358
Parsons S, Allen MJ, Chuck CJ. (2020). Coproducts of algae and yeast-derived single cell oils: A critical review of their role in improving biorefinery sustainability. Bioresource Technology, 303, pp. 122862. doi: 10.1016/j.biortech.2020.122862 Atlantic Sargassum Belt – Algae Workshops Blog | PhycoMExUK PhycoMExUK (@PhycoMExUK) / Twitter How do you deal with 9m tonnes of suffocating seaweed? | Oceans | The Guardian and Biome Algae: The Regenerative Power of Seaweed –Vivobarefoot SUSTAIN THIS? Podcast on Spotify The seaweed bloom that covered an ocean – BBC Future