Every day at university is different, but here’s a typical day from Olya, a third-year BSc Business student studying on the Penryn Campus.
It took 30–40 mins to get ready and have breakfast, and 20 mins to get to uni. It’s so convenient that the bus stop is only three mins away from my house.
I had a quick catch-up with my coursemates and lecturers at a campus coffee shop, Koofi.
Went to my first lecture of the day, where our employability advisor told us what this module, Practice-Based Consultancy project, will include. This year I have to consult a business of my choice, so at the lecture I learnt how to approach a business and the benefits and disadvantages of the consultancy industry.
Had an hour-long break after my first lecture. Went to the Stannary, the campus canteen, to have lunch with friends.
Arrived at my Small Business Management lecture. Had a chance to talk about my business idea with the other students.
As I am a part of the Entrepreneurs Society committee, I had a chat with the committee after class. It was amazing to plan our future events – I hope we will do a great job!
I love sports and being active. In my first year I was part of the Volleyball society. I try to join a new gym each year so I had a look at the different options nearby and some of them look amazing.
Started working on my presentation for the Small Business Management tutorial. Had to talk about myself, my plans and about my business idea.
Once I finished my homework, I had dinner with my flatmates. We cooked together and talked about what everyone has been up to.
Went to help my friend to unpack as he just moved into a new house. After, we just spent some time on their balcony, which has an amazing view.
In the evening, had a chance to spend more time with my flatmates. Everyone was at home and we were happy to be back together.